Eco Oro Minerals Looking For Gold In Columbia
Today when you look at the stock charts of many gold miners today, they all look the same. Most are sold off, look almost forgotten, sitting on 52 week or in cases even, historic lows. That also goes true for a lot of the other mineral explorers, whether it be copper...continue.
Getting Gold In Africa With Caledonia
Years ago I use to do a lot of swing trading and because I was familiar with mining stocks vs, tech stocks, I would always seem to gravitate towards mining stocks. There was an old saying that it was best to stick with what you know so for better of worse I would seem to follow those rules. One of the smaller stocks that I would trade because it was active and would trade a lot of stock was a...continue.
Diamonds In Canada's Far North
News came out just last week about the opening of the Tibbitt to Contwoyto winter road. This is the world famous winter road that Ice Road Truckers was first filmed on. Each winter thousands of trucks head up this winter road loaded with everything imagineable that a remote mine would need for the year. A year's worth of fuel, parts, and anything else related to maintaining to keep a full fledged mining...continue.
A Ready To Start Mining Miner With A Penny Stock Price Tag
December is almost over and so is tax loss selling time. In Canada, tax loss selling last day is December 24. A lot of mining companies have been hit real hard which of course is really crappy if you are a long holder. However for those who are in cash and looking to bottom feed, the feeding is plentiful. One company that has been hit particulary hard...continue.
Small Silver Miner With A Whole Bunch Of Extras
In the last write up below we looked at Carmax Mining who is working in the Golden Triangle of British Columbia on a copper-moly-gold deposit. Today we are going to take a look at a junior that also is working on a project in the same area, has a producing silver mine and is also developing a rare earth type deposit of colbalt and bismuth. The company...continue.
British Columbia's Golden Triangle
In the northwest corner of British Columbia there is an area known as the Golden Triangle. This triangle covers thousands of square miles. This triangular shaped area is a resource rich area with timber, base metals, precious metals and coal. There has even been drilling by large oil and gas companies...continue.
Looking For Lithium With Houston Lake
Today we are going to take a look at a junior miner who is exploring for rare earths in Ontario Cananda. Houston Lake Mining is a specialized mining exploration company actively engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of...continue.
A High Grade & Shovel Ready Mine
Junior Miners is based in Atlin BC. Atlin is a small mining town with roots going back to the turn of the century when the Klondike gold rush was on. With about 400 poeple today it is a far cry from what it was about 100 years ago. Back then there was over 10,000 people here seeking their fortunes in gold. Although most of the gold mining here today is...continue.
Here Is Something Different. Palladium Mining
Not too many people ever think about palladium when it comes to the precious metals. Most of course think gold and silver with a small percentge of people thinking platinum. Unfortunately, palladium goes mostly unnoticed. The reason we don't hear very much about palladium is because it is quite rare and there is very few mines in the world that produce palladium. About 45% of the worlds supply comes from ...continue.
Goldstrike Resources Strikes Gold In The Yukon
Whenever we hear of Dawson City or the Yukon we think about placer mining and all about the Klondike gold rush of 1898. Placer mining still takes place each and every year in the region and the lure of gold is so great that there are even a couple of TV shows ( Gold Rush & Yukon Gold ) now that are dedicated to placer mining in the Yukon. It's a region that is rich in history and gold and ...continue.
Heres Is A Real Canadian Producing Gold Miner
Canada is known around the world as the home of junior mining companies. The TSX stock exchange is home to some of the worlds largest miners and the Venture exchange is home to litterly thousands of small junior exploration publicly traded companies. Although most of these companies are exploring for metals and minerals in almost every country in the world, some have decided to just stay a home right ...continue.
Red Rubies In Greenland
Whenever we think about junior mining stocks we seem to gravitate toward the gold and silver explorers. In my last write up just below I talked abit about Lucara Diamond, as diamond explorers are are not as plentiful as say the gold or silver players. Today however we are going to take a quick look at an even smaller sector or the junior mining market. Rubies. You don't hear about to many ruby miners or ...continue.
An Appreciating Diamond Stock
Of all the junior mining stocks there are not a lot of diamond miners. Exploring for diamonds was a big deal about 20 years during the Diamet and Diavik days in the NWT. Today you hear and read very little about diamonds. There are however a few diamond stories out there that are well worth noting. One of those diamond stories ...continue.
What's Up With The Trading In Levon Resources?
Friday trading saw Levon Resources stock pop 37% on almost 5 million shares trading hands. No news by the company although there was a write up by the Nation Inflation Association about how they felt the stock was undervalued. According to the article, Levon holds a 100% interest in Mexico's second largest undeveloped silver resource ...continue.
PC Gold Working In Pickle Crow
One of the biggest problem with a lot of junior miners is that a lot of them have too many projects or too much land holdings scattered all over the place. These days you can read on various corporate websites and see how just many have a whole lot of land and not a lot of money. Having too much land or projects doesn't allow you to focus on one specific project and if even if you focus on one specific project you still ...continue.
Nickel Stocks Set To shine
On the 2nd of July, mercury retrograde ends. Now I know that not everyone out there is into astrology and that sort of thing, but there are those who are. In fact a lot of traders will sit on the side lines during this time due to the fact that in a lot of cases, things have been known to go wonky. Myself I always keep ...continue.
Check Out This Big Sand Box. Mining Frac Sand
When we think about junior mining companies we always seem to think gold and silver explorers. Then after that we head down the list to base metals like copper, zinc and nickel. Then we go down the list even more and we find rare earths, graphites and if we go deeper we find potash and phosphates. That would be the extent of so called mining and ...continue.
North American Nickel Drilling In Greenland
This week was a big week for North American Nickel and it's 100-per-cent-owned Maniitsoq nickel-copper-cobalt-platinum-group-metal project in southwest Greenland. Not just the Greenland project but also the company. Earlier the company announced that...continue.
My Two Cents For The Week
A quick look at any of the most gainers these days will show a lot of 100% gaines in a day. At first glance you think WOW, then after a second look you notice that the stock that just did a 100% jump is only 1 cent. Another quick look will tell you that there are a whole lot of these 1 cent stocks out there. The next issue though is to find that 1-2 cent...continue.
Take A Look At These Yukon Gold Stocks
We are just a few days away from the Dawson Gold Show that is held every year in Dawson City Yukon. The Dawson area of the Yukon has long held the lure of the Klondike not just for independant placer miners but also for a lot of junior companies. Over the years junior mining companies have settled in the Dawson and other Yukon areas to explore for it's...continue.
Some Reasons To Watch Out For Nickel
For the past few years, metal prices have been really dismal. The juniors that explore for the metals have been hard hit and the majors who mine the metals have also been under a lot of strain. Just when you think prices have hit bottom and there might be a chance of an upside in a stock, the rug seems to get pulled out and...continue.
Some Juniors Are Going To Pot
Back in the late 1990's after the Bre-X scandal, a lot of junior's were finding themselves with super low gold and silver prices and investors kind of turned off with metals. Some of these juniors proceeded to re-invent themselves into the tech and dot com boom that going on at the time. It seemed at the time that getting into whatever investors were chasing was the only way to survive. Today with a stagnant metals market and...continue.
Looking For Hot stocks? Uranium Is Hot.
Uranium stocks. That's what is hot and more specific is the stock of the players in the Athabasca Basin. These stocks have been on a real tear and are in the news almost daily. Seems it wasn't that long ago that uranium was a bad word, but now investors can't quite get enough of it. Some players like Fission are seeing trading volumes in the millions on a...continue.
A Couple Bottom Feeder Gold Mining Plays
With last years sell off of gold stocks followed by tax loss selling in December, a lot of fair value stocks got smashed to 52 week lows. Some of the more resilient ones have rebounded quite nice. Premier Gold was one that rebounded to see a nice 50% gain. Silver miner Endevour also saw it's...continue.
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